The St. Rose School Athletic Association annually strives to provide quality programming for our student-athletes, while at the same time remaining financially stable while doing so.
The student-athlete fee is $20 per sport played
Required: This annual training is required by all student-athletes and their parents/guardians before participating in their first sport of the year. Please review the concussion and sudden cardiac arrest information found here.
Required: After Training is completed by the student-athlete and his parent/guardian, you are required to fill out the following form
Print, fill out, and return once to the coach of the first sport played.
Required: Each school year, a CYO Consent Form must be completed (signatures required by student and parent) and turned in to the coach of the first sport played each year. Submitting this form once per school year is all that is required.
A current physical must be turned each year to participate in athletic activities
Required: Documentation of a current physical must be on file in the school office prior to a student participating in any athletic tryouts, practices, or games. Click this link for the accepted IHSAA physical form. Take the form to the physician conducting the physical to fill out pages 1 & 2 only and sign. Return the physical form to the school office or to the coach of the first sport played each year. Remember, elementary and middle school students need only have pages 1 & 2 completed by the physician.
COVID-19 Exception For 2020-21. Due to COVID-19 physician-access issues, students with a physical on file from 2019-20 need only to complete the 2020-21 IHSAA Health History Update Questionnaire and Consent & Release Certificate to play.
Print, fill out, and return to each coach for whom you play.
Required: Documentation for emergency contacts must be submitted to the head coach at time of first practice. Coaches will carry the forms with them to all games. Please use the attached Student-Athlete Emergency Contact & Medical Care Form.